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♥That's Me♥

What are words~If you really don't mean them~When you say them ~What are words ~If they're only for good times ~Then they don't ~When it's love ~Yeah, you say them out loud ~Those words, They never go away ~They live on, even when we're gone
-just for bii&Darl

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“♥My Happiness Memories♥”
November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011

My Trip Memories...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 || 8:11 PM

我第一期的假期已经拿了去kk了...其实Darl自己是有工作在身啦..而我呢~就特地去shopping的...第一天到了那都已经晚上10点多了,也浪费了一天shopping的时间了..哈哈...然后第二天就早上吃了早餐就会酒店等Darl放工再出的...嗨~我呆在酒店一天了...Darl说等他5点放工才带我出的...到了五点多了,他打来跟我说他老板不放他走..陪他们去喝酒..结果呢,我就等到10点接近11点才回酒店..还要喝到醉了那个...还好我习惯了一天可以不吃饭的习惯..不然我就真的饿死在酒店..他是有叫我自己到楼下的点找东西吃啦..但都不合我的胃口...现在想回起他那晚喝醉的样子和他说过的话都觉得好笑...就这样到了第二天早上,星期六...他说带我去买电话...终于我都买到了...哈哈..开心..然后晚上就和joey babe 去吃晚餐了...说是吃晚餐,就因为时间太晚了...结果就到centre point吃Mc.Donald了...然后又到星期日...那天我约了joey去Shopping 去了..我们都走了一整天了...然后到晚上我们有约了michelle babe一起去Tanjung Aru吃晚餐了...mic有带他的儿子和她的老公一起哦..我们那天有一起拍照片哦..过后我们也有走沙滩...哈哈哈...又到了星期一了..darl又要去做工了咯...今天还好一点,因为早上我们去阿买的店吃早餐...直到Darl要去见顾客了...等他见完他顾客就载他的弟弟过来阿买这..因为他要过新加坡游玩..4点就要到机场了...直到载了他弟弟就到机场看了他check in就离开了..晚上就约了阿买一起吃晚餐了...结果也是我们的晚餐也是Mc.Donald..搞笑哦!!哈哈哈...到了第二天就要回了...这次过道来都来不及买手信给我的朋友们哦...没关系..我11月也有过西马..到时我才不回给他们吧...我的假期就这样过了..明天他又要过斗湖了...=(

Friday, June 17, 2011 || 10:14 AM

今天我特地写的blog全都是写出了我的心情我很想对你说的话..自从我和你一起了之后,我的思想变了很多就连性格都变了...好了啦..认真的进入我的话题了...那时候的我就只会顾着玩..甚至妈咪和阿婆每天都劝我快找个真正的男朋友回来...bla..bla 的..之后我还记得我还顶妈咪说,[这世界上根本就没有一好男人能信的过...通通都是玩弄感情的臭男人!就连自己的爸爸都是其中之一...我对他们已经很反感..非常的反感...叫我怎样相信他们?!]...好笑吧?...然后呢~以前的打死我根本就不会带着素颜的脸去喝茶的..连这个你都能刻服到我甚至自己自动不化就出...你真的很厉害....=)就是偏偏买衣服不会变...哈哈~~现在我自己觉得比起以前的我和现在真好很多...因为有了你的出现很多事情都真的变了很多很多...一个已对男生死了心很久的女生却是你让她又有了信心...你真的是我不折不扣的好男友^^所以我很感谢你的出现^^...还有以前的我从来都不会想我的将来做打算..你的出现突然间要面对了很多将来的事了...唔想唔认我自己大过女都唔得咯..就因为你曾和我说过你和你身边的朋友的经历还有你们的努力..有多辛苦多难敖的过去...都令得我都很想加入你们的生活...多点去了解你...当我听完了你努力的经历直到看到你今天的成就..我都很替你高兴...我还记得你那晚你和我聊你的辛苦,我听了我很心痛你的辛苦..那时我真的突然真的很想抱着你紧紧地,很不想看到你为了压力而弄得自己如此的辛苦和不开心...还有你妈妈曾为你操心说自从你和我一起了,经济有点困难了...又为了这事情和妈妈冷战了一段时间..现在我自己想起都还是会有很不好意思的感觉...我知道你现在有了个负担..而你这个负担就是我这个大笨蛋..对不起~~
哒..我知道你为了免得闷到我..又为了要我开心所以就尽量带我去玩去吃的..傻瓜~我知道你为了我好...其实我很随便的...我又不是什么大牌小姐..怎样都可以..我吃东西不一定要贵的地方才说算好吃的..就说喝茶我也不一定要去高级的咖啡厅喝的...其实你不用为了迁就我做让我开心的事...我很简单的...我不贪..只要那个地方有我爱吃的东西和最重要的是你在我身边陪我我就很满意的了...只要一天有你在我每一天都很开心... 虽然你很常都要出外..可是我依然都会感觉到你还在我身边还有你的味道的...

Sunday, May 15, 2011 || 11:45 PM

Last night we had chatting on bed till in midnight...don't know why when i heard darl said his ex-loved girl..make me feel so unhappy and jealously...
i know should feel unhappy and getting strange the people is him actually, because of my passed i admit i'm not a prefect girl is most seriously that..although he had straightly said feel so strange because my past..when he say that make me more unhappy and not dare to talk many again..
so that i choose speechless at that time..just keep smile in his front...
before that he loved all the girl was a nicely girl..
i cant compare with his ex-loved girl...i'm not the right one compare with them..cause they're the nice girl..i agree too..
he tell me,
he separated with his ex isn't their fault..is darl problem..cause he getting cant afford the hight hope, scare their family reject him..disliked him..that's why he rather choose separated with them..so they're the right...
now my problem is my passed....my passed make me getting suffer day by day..
not to mention is alright, if mention getting on the sad
...before haven't be back normal i keep thinking it,asked myself if i have one day i be normal back my boy will accept my passed or not?bla..bla..bla..
ok la...now i  normal la..after i became normal still keep thinking it..so that when dar talk about this make me mention it again..huh........!!!!!
help me~!!my passed became more serious and so stress now...

i think just only me had lots of problem in my bad life..he can choose other girl is good than me actually..i seem like really really not the right one...sad...
but i really love him....
why i can thinking like this??i think perhaps he was a good boy and me was a bad girl...so that he should love the character must a gentle, mature, honest, pretty and serious girl..
not like me...just only know ''gao gao sha sha''..not mature and was a rude girl style..
hmm~that i was getting a bit inferior actually...how to said that..erm..to be honest that seem like i don't match with him..
not the right relationship with him..so inferior..
..since we became lover i don't have any confidence for myself...the problem isn't about him..is me..
my problem have  far from ideal...
i scare i cant become his perfect girl..because he loved all the girl is good attitude..and i was many bad passed...although he don't care it..asked me wont think it anymore..but i cant...He was my true love i even more to mind it more than him...
added he asked me tell him about me with T and W the passed story so i just listen to him and tell him..i know he'll getting uncomfortable and unhappy about my passed..
i did get he was felt unhappy..if not why he will take a smoke..
so that i cant sleep in whole night...just keep thinking it till i cried in whole night..=.='huhurrr...but he don't know...after this i'll ok soon geh...

(what i typed at here just only talk my feeling only..he have no any complaining my problem actually..haha..)

For My Beloved DARL~~~
Friday, May 13, 2011 || 10:06 PM

Darl...i know you feel i not enough secure to give you...although your mouth keep said nothing..nothing...
but i feel at there more or less the point care is of her..
Darl..i swear..i really disliked her already...she's not my the one..you're..you're the one..
that i start relationship with you the first day i did forget her and no more thinking of her..make me feel scary more than care of her actually...and the all of picture i did deleted it..no more in my laptop and memory card...the bad is i left that 2 folder..i'm not deliberately not delete it..just i don't think that 2 folder still in my folder..hm..i know your mouth keep said i don't mind of this but i should be do like this..you was my beloved one so that i respect you..and i was your girlfriend , i understand the uncomfortable feeling of this kind...so 'IF' i how not willing delete it also should to delete it...(i means "IF'')..you're the one in my new life...
i know i'm not a prefect bii...but i will do all my best to let you get feel secure and happy..
not let you feel worried, unhappy, or betray you..
even you did dreamed i betray you..
i promised you..please give me more the confident to trust me be a prefect ah bii in your heart...

My Naughty Darl
|| 9:06 PM

i hate my darl at last night...he did put me and x the kissing picture make laptop wallpaper..
said what just kidding with me only..don't think i was so angry of this kind,right~!
nahhh!!!!...now you get it la..XD
seii meii...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 || 5:06 AM

Beast...Uneducated...Abnormal...Curse...Animal...Pig&Dog???such those word suit of someone or us?? i really admire don't think she dare to said that...i think she have forget have bb in her stomach...she not scare have 1 day will occurred in their own??..maybe occurred at her bb leh? if me...i not dare do that...what the fucking hard to be a good person and hard to be a bad person also...you're not the right to say that..u suit be a bad person~i think..i never seen such as people like you...you scolding uneducated this word before please thinking your the big problem first...did you're someone else's wife already..still keep such childish character..i think their educate good than you la..at least not like you that sucker character..so that you no need say what teach them your educate of you..your educate bad most than anyone...hahah..you're kinda funny..someone else have marry out or not you also want to care?at least they not like you so hopeful get marriage...she the first keep till right now that's means she's so protect herself not like you what type of boy u also like...such as sucker BICTH...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 || 9:30 PM

Finally my darl have manage came back to sandakan..but he was felt tiredly cause he non stop driving in whole day..cham lo~he coming back at 8pm something and that time i just reached house actually..after he finish prepare just came to find me out yum cha...hmm...we went to jesselton cafe yum cha and chatting at there..chat  my unhappy feel..herrr!!when we in way to home that time i say sorry with him cause last noon i not directly tell him i dying hair..make he angry of me..he said have angry me that time actually..why lie he said i  be on duty not directly tell him i dying hair..not said the truth...he not horrible so..yeah~~he said he not horrible but i scare he mind i dying my hair mah...aikz~~and that i talkative said luckily i just lie u dying hair if i go betrayal more seriously lo..?huh...start at that time he added more serious say..hai ah..if you have other boy don't let he know..want betrayal go far away betray don't let he and his friend saw us..if not he was getting ''mou min''...want betray do that cleanly don't let anybody catch us do that..he said that make me feel so uncomfortable..i have been forbearance till reached my house outside..but i cant...finally i did cried because he said that...hmmm...so bad o him...go in my room i straight to open my facebook we chat again at there...that he know was his fault make me cried so he would coax me back at our chat box there...in there he said that make me feel touching till cried again...really so sweet...

My Touching Commitment